Sunday, September 19, 2010


My life has been stupid busy. I've been doing school, finishing Moose's move, went to Primal Arts Festival, started doing porn, started a new relationship, and trying to keep it all together.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Little things that hurt a lot

Knowing you're in pain makes me want to ass-kick the jerk who hurt you. Then I realize I'm that jerk. Dammit.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photosuck project #1

Jonathan Swift approved

Jonathan Swift being the guy who wrote "A Modest Proposal", the satirical essay saying that Irish peasants eat their children. For some reason I was thinking about animals that eat their young, like guinea pigs and birds.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Drawing done by blind 8 year old on crack

I'm having trouble sleeping (and drawing well). The image on the left is my cubistic version of
Eugene Von Bruenchenhein's photo.

Not so artsy today-AVAM w/ Michael

I love the American visionary arts museum, but neither of us were super excited by the current exhibits. Michael did like one exhibit called "Out Of This World."
It featured spacey looking oil paintings by Eugene Von Bruenchenhein.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

my whole life in a 10 foot box uhaul

Thankfully Sean, Moose, and Bunny helped me transport my life.

I misspelled "saxophone" in the drawing, I'm too tired/lazy to correct it.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bear Dreams

I am excited.

I'm moving to a new place! I am excited and slightly apprehensive.


-Newer, bigger house
-Cool roommates
-New relationship
-Access to awesome art equipment


-Will I piss off my roommates?
-Will they piss me off?
-Will I ruin another relationship?
-Will I set the place on fire?

I know most of these concerns are unfounded, but I still get worried. For the most part I'm pretty excited, but my imagination still conjures up ridiculous disasters. I'm not really sure what I did to cause the fire in this picture, but you can see that it's a pretty embarrassing situation.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Post break-up interractions

Sean and I have had this exact dialogue twice since Jason and I broke up.

Drawing my friends as animals

I love webcomics, particularly diary comics such as James Kochalka's "American Elf". I like his drawing style and how he portrays some of his characters as creatures or animals. I plan on doing the same with some of my friend's characters.

It's easy with some friends, because they are named after animals (Moose, Bunny, Kat, etc). My character might be a giraffe.